3 — 04 & 10 — 11.08.24

Come dance with us         Tickets


3 — 04 & 10 — 11.08.24

Come dance with us         Tickets


Our theme presents four alter egos: Drop, Light, Rise, and Dark. Each one lets you explore a different side of yourself.
Drop is all about calm confidence and casual coolness. Light shines with flowing textures, showing your inner strength. Rise stands out with bold looks and dazzling details. Dark dives into your mysterious side, inviting you to explore your inner shadows.

Wecandance theme

Drop in the Light with us so we can Rise in the Dark together.

Head to our Pinterest board for theme inspiration images from runways all over the world.

Whether you stick with one alter ego for all four days or mix it up to explore an alter ego you’ve never explored, this year’s theme is all about embracing every part of who you are and feeling free to bring all. versions. of. you. to our beach. Let your outfit(s) reflect all versions of yourself, the dark, the light and every shade in between.
We want to encourage all festival-goers to choose outfits based on personal feelings rather than following trends. Just cherry-pick what you like. What helps you explore the many dimensions of who you are?

“I would love visitors to integrate the idea of our transition from day to night into their outfits. Show more skin while the sun goes down, add layers to merge with the night.” – Dennis Vanderbroeck (our creative director).